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Ice Codes - Review please.
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Color choice is an important element. You could do better with your colors, you obviously have a dominant color which is the white, and you have a secondary color which is the blue, but the sparce use of the blue makes it seem more like an accent color than a secondary color. You might want to increase your use of the blue. The next issue is that the site is really flat. You might fix this by making some changes to your fonts and sizes. Maybe even spend some time to make some good looking title images and some icons to fit into your post areas. Doesn't have to be all that complex, just give it some more depth and identity. Your menu hurts, you could really do something nice with that. If you want them vertical how about tabs? http://www.alistapart.com/articles/slidingdoors2/ Might not be exactly what you are looking for but it is an idea. You might also want to instead of a text based menu, make it image based. That would mkae things much nicer. Secondary to the basic color and shape issues, the basic site design doesn't tell me anything about the site as it is designed now. What is an "Ice Code" and what am I being plugged into? An ice code is a monitor plug? Your design should give me some idea of what I am in store for, or what the site is all about. Finally you should ditch all the tables and go for a CSS only design. It isn't like your site is very intense that it requires tables to lay it out. [url=http://www.codetown.org] [img]http://www.codetown.org/i/sig/robot_002.gif[/img] [/url]
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