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Open in new window - is there a legal way?
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People use XHTML strict for one of two reasons 1) They need their document to be treated as an XML document for some server parse things. 2) They have some ideological issues that make them use strict. Programatically if you are going to be using a strict doctype you would not want to place code in your page that would target a non-existant source. Programatically it does not make sense, since a link is a reference to a new source on its own. The target attribute is redundant. If you are using a strict doctype for ideological purposes you would also not want to use the target attribute because it is not accessable. The target="_blank" imposes the designers methodology on its users. Under the browser the user should be allowed a choice, they could choose to open the window in a new tab or they could choose to open it in the same window, they might even choose to open it in a new window, but it is their choice and not the designers. So this long rant just goes on to show you that you should most likely be using a transitional style sheet. With the huge variety of browsers and the huge number of errors in rendering according to the specifications it doesn't make sence to impose strict rules into your design. This will just promote more work arounds that will put us in the same mess that we were in during the period of intense table hacking. [url=http://www.codetown.org] [img]http://www.codetown.org/i/sig/robot_002.gif[/img] [/url]
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