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Bill Gates donated $40 million to Australia to fund computer projects for the under privileged. More Windows OS's and IE browsers. Standards have always amused me. I am fond of quoting: "I like stndards; there are so many to choose from." When there were few printer manufacturers each with one or two models, they were all overly concerned with proprietry issues and copyright. Drivers (in one form or another) were required to ensure correct printing. This issue has carried over into various models. No one complains much. Video Cassettes were divided into two types: Beta and VHS. JVC made an effort pushing their product that BETA is now a dinosaur with a smattering of users. Each new VCR manufacturer complied with the structure of VHS to produce compatible machines. Philips went so far as to create VCR players made from other companies components. These seemingly standard VHS video cassette players all require specific power supply and power cable compatibility for each respecive country. The television standard used within each country needs to be accomodated too. Audio CD and Video CD have standard formats. (NTSC/PAL differences being overlooked as each country has their preferred system) DVD began with a high level of compatability but now there are 4 (or more) 23+ gig DVD standards to choose from. From what I understand, digital television is a global standard. This is good for everyone. Soon I will not longer be able to find a broadcast station emitting my old television's signal type. This is bad. I need a new television. I wish I had a pair of left handed scissors. Right handed mice are ok as I have adapted. Who uses a Dvorak keyboard? Railways have a standard and non standard line guage. I just do not understand this... Roman roads of 2000 years ago contain furrows or grooves into which cart wheels fitted nicely. (China did too but that's another story) All cart makers made carts the width of two horses and ensured their axle widths fitted into the road grooves. Later the train was invented and designed to fit onto lines which could be fitted into the existing roads. Trains were taken to America and many long tunnels were carved into mountains. One such mountain range separates the Shuttles manufacturing site with it's launch site. This is why the booster rockets on the shuttle are the width of Roman carts, or two horses asses. So why should computer browsers have a strict standard? Because computers are globally connected and I want less work load when designing web pages. [img]http://www.iinet.net.au/~htjs/virbatem.jpg[/img] Not Enough Is Better Than Too Much [small](Edited by [internallink=21902]Virbatem[/internallink] on 06-29-2004 04:07)[/small]
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