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And another debate going on :) I like this one, because at first I thought crip was right, but DL really has a point. I am all for web standards, like many if not all of our "mostly programmers" inmates. But competition, indeed, stimulates evolution: the innerHTML marvel was invented by Microsoft, afaik, and to complicate matters, MS are part of the w3c. As a developper, I really dislike the weaknesses of some browsers, incompatibilities, etc. I am aware Moz is now renouned for being a real standards-based browser, IE for being the Windows inherent whore that once took the lead, and Opera to be fast and available on portable devices as well. But all in all, my graphic effects have problems in Opera, and problems in Mozilla (which is not true for the xhtml/css I produce, which rather breaks in IE). Still, crip has a true point when it comes to the importance of standards FOR THE WEB, since the web is about finding a universal (or worldly) way to communicate: if we can't design "information islands" easilly for all audiences, the web loses a lot of it's impact. And DL has a point about the fact websites wouldn't be half of what they are without IE and MS's excesses reguarding competition. About MS and competition, the debate is larger: they kill competition by buying what they can't have for free or produce. Windows 95 was a remixed finder, Iexplore, a remixed "Mosaic", C# is a remixed "Java". Windows is still unsteady and unsecure as hell, but widely spread because it is by far one of the best, and most automated/ user friendly OSs. DirectX copied OpenGL which was, and still is a standard... etc. ... I think the main underlying topic of interest is: "do ideas belong to one person or mankind"? Will the web benefit being under MS's monopoly? Would a "unified media" like the web live better in the hands of one entity, or would it be better without a fixed leader, but "guidelines" instead? I lean towards the second option... monarchy didn't work, chances are that any kind of monopoly won't work either: what MS do boosts their sales, boosted our comfort too, but involves unfinished products that expose the privacy of the end user, and MUST be limited by standards. So, MS doing it because they can doesn't mean they should be allowed to. Still, others who can't just, well, can't, and signing a petition like this won't help them do it. I think I'd rather sign a "let's offer browser vendors the sole option of contributing to the unified web browser and give w3c the lead of this project" initiative, but I may sign your petition.
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