OZONE Asylum
New stock photography resource ($1 per image)
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It would probably make more sense then to post this in one of the design forums, not in the photography forum. And I guess I just didn't understand "constantly growing collection" to mean "badly categorized." I'm not trying to be an ass (though I'm probably reaching that end, anyway); I just would like the photographers out there to know that their photos are worth far more than a buck each. Order a copy of [url=http://www.pickphoto.com/guide.asp]Negotiating Stock Photo Prices[/url] to find out what you should be asking. (Do not look for it at Amazon; people are trying to sell used copies for 3 or 4 times what they're worth.) Publishers will take advantage of you every way they can. I learned that very quickly. I still get too many people asking me to prepare print-ready images for them in exchange for a credit as if I would be so excited to be in their book. It's about the same excitement I feel seeing others devalue their work by offering it for an insanely cheap price. If you wouldn't design a Web site for $5 and a credit, don't do the same with your photographs. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com] [img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_awesome_01.gif[/img] [/url]
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