OZONE Asylum
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Actually, the fact that you mentionned Standard Compliance, shows that you already know what to do. Personnally I'd put that at the top of my priorities, along with removing all unecessary Flash movies. In fact I would keep only ONE Flash movie, for the header thing in the middle. All the rest can be done with CSS only which would save a lot of bandwidth and ressources on the client side IMHO you should also reconsider the Architecture of Information, and place the most important things on the top of the page. Reduce a bit that big Flash header. Try to get the cleanest, most semantically correct, *insert other adjectives*, HTML markup you can. It'd help you in many ways. As for the optimizations, AFAIR you mentionned a link on [url=http://www.alistapart.com]ALA[/url] in these walls. That's a really good starting point to get solid infos about Standards and good practices. Dive in [url=http://web-graphics.com/]web-graphics[/url] ( especially the [url=http://web-graphics.com/resources/]ressources page[/url] ) and [url=http://webstandards.org/buzz/]The Web Standards Project[/url] and you're done. A last "advice" is to watch many Standards Compliants website and analyze their HTML markup and CSS. The [url=http://www.cssvault.com]CSS Vault[/url] and [url=http://www.csszengarden.com]CSS Zen Garden[/url] makes a good source of knowledge and ideas. Oh, the Flash movies takes a while to load :p [url=http://www.p01.org/] [img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img] [/url]
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