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Concerning the "prestitial" (gag) I know the site's bursting with ads. I personally dislike having them, but its not something I have control over. You'd see the same thing with http://gamespot.com and http://www.ign.com which are basically our competitors in this area. I personally use firefox as my main browser. I worked at Netscape for over 6 years (3 on the browser team), so I'd say if there's anyone advocating having a site work with mozilla based browsers its me :) Here's a thought. Try accessing the site from http://my.1up.com this would give you a less of a over the top experience in terms of ads and flash and stuff. I really appreciate your comments! Everything I hear here I can use as ammo to help lighten the site and hopefully make it much more functional. Remember, I'm inheriting all this code, so this is basically a "try to rebuild a house from from the foundation up, without disturbing the paint" kinda thing :) P.S. Thanks for subjecting yourselves to the ads :) --- RPG Fan ---
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