OZONE Asylum
POW Week 50 - Animal/s
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I'll just have to describe it then. It a beautiful country region with mountains (well...they would be called hills anywhere besides central Texas), with nothing around, and tons of different animals. There are Antelope, Bison, Cheetah's (in a cage, but about 10 times the size of zoo cages), White Nosed Coati, Greater Sandhill Cranes, Deer, Emu's, Thompson's Gazelle, Giraffe's, [url=http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/ocelot.htm]Ocelot's[/url] (I love Ocelot's), Oryx, Ostrich's, Prairie Chicken's, White Rhino's, Wildebeest, Wolves, and Zebra's. You drive around for about 4 hours or so with a huge cup of food and feed all the animal's, and sometimes a Giraffe will even come up to the car and bend down to eat out of your hand. It's pretty cool. The Zebra's are the most fun though because they get really crazy and stick their whole head in your window. The Ostrich's are pretty funny to, they seem to have figured out that if they can get the cup out of your hand, they get all the food in it. They will grab at it and try and take it from you, and you pretty much have to push their head back.
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