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AlterEgo Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=22532" title="Pages that link to AlterEgo Differences" rel="nofollow" >AlterEgo Differences\

+Click here.
-Hi, I live in England (for the benefit of Americans, that's the second country on the right of yours on your map. Dumb Americans). I can't remember how I found the Asylum because I have a short memeory, but anyway it's not a bad place. Not much more to say but when I've posted this it'll be my 150th post! Why do you get posts for editing your cell? Dunno. Dumb Americans. Anyway I'm going now, a bientot (that means goodbye, in case you're American and don't know. Dumb Americans.)
-I don't like Americans. Or Canadians. They're the same thing though, aren't they? Yes. They. Are.
+(Edited by AlterEgo on 12-10-2004 17:32)
-(Edited by AlterEgo on 12-01-2004 23:43)

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