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White Hawk
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: out of nowhere...
Insane since: May 2004

posted posted 07-18-2004 15:13

Just finished reading a trilogy, His Dark Materials, by Philip Pullman.

I wouldn't even begin to start writing a review, but having got to the end of them now, I wish I'd read them as a kid. They'd have made The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe pale in comparison in my young and furtile imagination.

I've got those blues you get when you reach the end of a fantastic story.

Weird thing to share, I know, but it's done now...

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: The Dark Side of the Moon
Insane since: Jul 2004

posted posted 07-18-2004 16:00

I've read Northern Lights and started to read The Subtle Knife, but find them hard to start off with, because so little detail is given.
For example at the start of Northern Lights, we don't know who Lyra is, what a daemon is, where she is or what she's doing and details only trickle out very slowly over the rest of the book. In The Subtle Knife we don't know what's wrong with Will's mother, what the case is, who the men are, why they want the case...and on and on and Ariston.
I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who doesn't like reading, which includes me.

alter ego n. 1. Another side of oneself; a second self. 2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.

White Hawk
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: out of nowhere...
Insane since: May 2004

posted posted 07-18-2004 21:40

I don't know what you mean - I think the facts play out rather nicely as you go on. The case contains letters from his father, John Parry, to his mother. In these letters, there may be details of the position of a hole through to another world. I'm giving nothing away.

Just wait till you find out who John Parry is.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Boston, MA, USA
Insane since: Apr 2000

posted posted 07-18-2004 23:06

Northern Lights? Over here the first volume was "The Golden Compass." I liked the first one best. By the end of "The Amber Spy Glass" it was getting a little over the top for me. But I guess the cosmic topics demand that.

I don't think I would have traded the C.S. Lewis books for Pullman's as a kid. I actually don't know who the Pullman books are aimed at. They're going to come across as juvenile for adults to look at them superficially, but definitely quite adult for juveniles. I think most of the symbolism will be lost on most kids. But heck, it'll be lost on most adults too. I'm sure they will "find" their audience.

What an imagination Pullman has!

White Hawk
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: out of nowhere...
Insane since: May 2004

posted posted 07-19-2004 04:53

It had all the signs of a story that was written as it went along, but pulled-off nicely. He does manage to tie up the loose ends conveniently enough.

I love the idea of the daemons. Wonder what mine would be?

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: BC, Canada
Insane since: Jun 2004

posted posted 07-19-2004 07:42

Narnia was a boring series, IMHO.

Good books for kids (well, kid-level reading but I think mostly meant for adults; The Hobbit was a tad hard to read in grade 5 but worth it)
The Hobbit
Holes (the movie blew; book was good)
The Giver

I don't read many books, but these books I'd read even now. They're good books.

Anyone read Prey, Timeline, or any of Michael Chrichton's other books? The guy's a fantastic writer; I loved Prey--great book. I hear Jurassic Park's way better than the movie, just like Timeline is but I'll have to wait for my friend to lend it to me.

"Dawn is nature's way of telling you to stop using that stupid quote."
- me.

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him
Insane since: Apr 2004

posted posted 07-30-2004 23:11

I saw the movie Timeline but didnt read the book, i liked the movie though. The book jurassic park was a lot better than the movies and the Third movie sucked like hell.

GREMLINS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that movie!

If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?

Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 09-01-2004 21:38

Apparently, Pullman draws a lot from the medieval Gnostics and various contemporary strains of analytic philosophy.

Never read them myself, but hope to soon.

White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: out of nowhere...
Insane since: May 2004

posted posted 09-01-2004 23:45

I haven't read anything else by him, so I might see what's at the library.

Apparently, there are stage plays coming soon to London, based upon the His Dark Materials trilogy.

==I don't believe it! Somebody stole my sig!!==

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