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hey, well the first thing I notice is that it only occurs if there is no (or small amount of) text in the content area. If the text spans the complete width of the content area it moves the image to the left. there is also a lot of inconsistency in the coding (e.g. image sizes in some places but not in other), some css is in style sheet, other is inline when it should be in style sheet, use of deprecated tags, etc and I will spare you the lecture about using tables for layout and use of tags for presentation issues (i.e. <br>). it might be some combo of these things. not a solution, but a place to start. wait, this just in, try setting the width of your .maincontent to 634px (total width- left image width=634) and it all moves over for me. not really sure why. hope that works for you too. bill
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