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Quicktime 3D movie (Windows)
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Actually, from my experience, I find that more people have Quicktime than Flash. Flash is commonly used in lots of advertisements and flashy splashpages, annoying the crap out of a great many people, to the point where they won't use Flash anymore. In fact, the only reason I keep Flash is for Homestar Runner. :p Quicktime is from Apple, who is commonly trusted more than Macromedia. Especially when Macromedia's software is commonly abused. Just my take on it. You should just be able to take a number of photos of the product at varying angles around it (I suggest you have a tripod or way of making sure the pictures you take are level and evenly spaced out). After that, you will need a program to take all those images and spit out the Quicktime VR. It should be as simple as that. (I have made panoramic Quicktime VR's, which are supposedly more complicated to make, and it wasn't difficult at all. So it shouldn't be too bad to create rotational Quicktime VR's.) "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke "Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
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