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ALA says you need to get rid of the codebase tag: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay/ [quote]The next curiosity on the list is the codebase attribute. This contains a path to a copy of the Flash plug in-on Macromedia?s servers. This is actually incorrect usage of the attribute, as any paths within it are supposed to be within the same domain?a security feature. In many browsers (primarily IE) this attribute performs another function. The path contains a string on the end that specifies which version of the plug-in the server should deliver. If the version declared is later than the version currently installed, the browser will prompt the user to allow it to update. The downside is that this attribute also stops the movie from playing in Netscape and Mozilla when used in this way, so it?s gotta go. ... The main problem with getting rid of the codebase attribute was that in IE and similar browsers it caused the user to be prompted to update their Flash plug-in if it was out of date. This is really useful, as it?s likely the [i]only[/i] way that most ordinary web users get their players updated. The workaround is simple: just include one sacrificial movie at the front of your site with the codebase attribute left in. This needs to be a movie with no purpose within the site?just a 1k empty blob of nothingness that causes the user to be prompted if they have an old version of the plug in. Not the cleanest approach, but a practical one. It shouldn?t lose you any friends.[/quote]
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