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I'm going to be redoing my site again, since I'm already bored with the look. My big question is about the art sections that I have now. I'd like suggestions on better ways to show the works that I have online. I already use thumbnails to the larger image, but those still take up a lot of room. I suppose I could make them even smaller (which is entirely possible, I have no problems putting that work in), but I'm limited with what sorts of scripts/server apps/etc that I can use atm. Eventually, I'll upgrade to my own domain and a real host instead of the crappy one-step-up-from-free site that I currently have. I'm still working on converting to completely CSS based, the tables I have for news entries are the bigget problems atm, since I would need to go back and do those by hand, and I'm dreading doing that for 2.5 years worth of entries. I guess what I'm asking for is just some advice ingeneral. I know my site is rather plain and has no decided focus, but it's a personal one and I haven't decided what I want to do with it other than some place for me to show off any art / images and writings that I do. Eventually (again), I'd like to make it look a bit more professional and not so "personal homepagey" but that's still a bit in the future. So, any suggestions about the presentation of the artwork files? I can use javascript, but I like to know what it's doing, and since I don't know java very well.... No CGI, no PERL, nothing that needs server support, it's not there from this host. Site is at http://lahutton.50megs.com btw. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. PS - Oh yeah, new theme is going to be similar to my most recent avatar : [img]http://lahutton.50megs.com/images/sunstar2a.jpg[/img] _____________________ [url=http://lahutton.50megs.com]le coeur du feu[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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