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[quote]I know my site is rather plain and has no decided focus, but it's a personal one and I haven't decided what I want to do with it other than some place for me to show off any art / images and writings that I do. [/quote] You just answered your own question. You want to show your art and writings. Simple. [quote]Eventually (again), I'd like to make it look a bit more professional and not so "personal homepagey" but that's still a bit in the future.[/quote] Why?, Is there any reason for you to make it more professional? It *is* a personal home page, isn't it? Suggestions: Move away form the scrolly box thing. Seems like it's a bit of a crutch at the moment and I'd like to see what you can do without it. ;) Play with white space more (margins, padding, line heights etc...) Don't try and brand your site with that image, design the site first, then put the details like that in. Right now the new design looks like you're trying to sell it with that graphic alone, and it just isn't working. Try re-structuring your website into something that?s not so, well, directory structure like. You artwork is good, put it up front where people can see it. Your current "home" or index page isn't really home to anything but your weblog. Try slotting in bits and pieces of the other section on your home page rather than keeping everything locked away in its only section. All I see with your current *re-design* is a few new graphics but basically everything else is the same. You need to let that site die an honorable death, and start afresh. Try different layouts, move the menu, expand any sub sections into the main menu. Think about what groups of content you have. Write them down, draw them out. List different ways you could display them (in full, in dot point, a list of abstracts etc?). How do these relate to different possible layouts? Are you presenting too much or not enough information for the user? Focus on the content and how it?s presented. Everything should fall into line from there, so just play with it some more and mix it up.
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