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Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 01:27
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: lala-land Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 08-03-2004 02:34
Holy smokes Amerasu .... that is beautiful ! 
Looking at the screen - the only thing that strikes me as a smidget out of proportion is the left thigh. Maybe it is the shading but it looks a little short. and off in comparison to the right leg.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-03-2004 03:03
Looks to me almost as if his left leg is emminating from the wrong place (or his hip is broken), or perhaps his left shoulder is too wide. Only other nit pic is the tattoos seem a bit flat.
Great work on the foliage. It`s really nice overall. Good work.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 03:10
Yeah, I think you're both right, Sib & DB... it's that left leg. My husband is saying the same thing too. I'm working on a fix right now. I'll post it here before I get too far ahead of myself though.
thanks guys 
Edited to add - I think I have it. I had my husband sit on the floor and pose for me which I should have done earlier.... Anyway, it's a stupid angle. I doubt I'll ever attempt this sort of position again. Next guy is standing.

(Edited by Amerasu on 08-03-2004 04:01)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 04:55
More adjustments, I think it's ok now. But feel free to paintover or draw lines if you think I'm off. I'm leaving it alone til tomorrow or later this week.
I brightened it for this thread.. bit dark when small

Amerasu |
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Adanac Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-03-2004 06:50
I'm in a bit of arush right now but just want to say how much your work hasblossomed and you are headind in the right directions.
Just a few minor things that caught my eye seein as you are asking.
The foreshortening of the curled under leg seems a tad too short and should be brought forward
closer to the viewer.
Define a little bit more waist line , rib cage and even a hint of love handle to breake up the sraight line
of the torso on the same side.
The leg on the chest side should be moved this way----->
that thigh is a little smallish compared to the calve and lower leg.
More definition of a centre line in the torso to indicate chest and abs.
Decide where you want the waist line and it should help to see the construction of the legs and ad a little gluteus maximus.
All in all great work , mostly just need to strengthen and define how the legs are connected, and proportional to the torso.
(Edited by kromaZ on 08-03-2004 07:16)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 14:09
Thanks Kromaz, that's excellent help and much appreciated! I will def use your suggestions 
Amerasu |
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Adanac Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 08-03-2004 15:14
Glad to help.
There are a couple of things that I use to assist me in the development of a sculpture concept if a model is not readily available.
One is to create a quick figure out of plasticine or Fimo in a straight standing position, where I can check the proportions and body weight .
Then if I require a sitting pose or whatever I simply bend the limbs, twist the torso, etc till I get the pose I want , place it on a turntable, or lazy suzan, and rotate it till I get the pose I want.
Another way which I have found very usefull to get a pose set up is to use Poser, version 1, or 2, 3
is good because it is lightweight and doesn'r take up a lot of cpu and space.
Find a pose, the right lighting , print out , and keep in front while working up the clay, or in any paint program..
The beauty of this is you can make quick changes and see your results instantly, from all angles.
It's essential to establish a good pose and proportions....no matter how great your technical skills are in painting or modelling, if a pose is weak or awkward your technique will not enhance the overall image and feel of the space it occupies.
here's a sample....

(Edited by kromaZ on 08-03-2004 15:35)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 08-03-2004 17:18
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 17:30
Thanks for all the help and suggestions guys I like the plasticine idea and am going to buy some tonight and give it a go. Poser will have to wait til I'm a bit richer!
Tao, I started out with a photo I took as reference. I changed the head angle but it's pretty much the same pose. Then last night I had my husband sit and made some changes based on him sitting directly in front on me. I also took a few photos as well. But I've come to the conclusion that it's just a weird angle combined with an annoying pose. No matter which way I look at it, it's weird. The same is also true of the photos I took last night. If I look at them long enough, my husband's left leg seems to be all freaky.
I'm going to give it another go based on Kromaz' suggestions tonight but if that still doesn't work, I'll just leave it as is and move on to something that's not such a weird angle.
And no, I couldn't get him to pose in tights, just underwear - which is why I can't post the pics here for all to see the references I'm using. He wouldn't be happy 
Amerasu |
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: UK Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 08-03-2004 19:10
Amerasu, first off all nice work.
Not that good at painting or body anatomy myself, but I like details and pick them out a mile away. This might seem not the top of your worries right now, but I can't stop looking at it as it seems not right.
I'm talking about the:
Tatoos, there a little flat like. You might need to tweak that to the shape of arm and shoulder. Also the
Neckless seems a little off to me. Like its daggling in the wrong place. I think the little diamond should be place in the middle of the chest (just behind the hair) and the right hand strap should be moved a little inwards to. As the strap seems to far out for the diamond to be in the middle or where it is now.
Just little minor things that people might not see or bother to point out as it?s so nicely painted.
But as I say it?s the little details that make a bigger picture to be perfect.
*Runs away before I get battered for nik piking?. :P *
::: COPEY + CELL + DA + GFX :::
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-03-2004 19:37
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 08-03-2004 23:57
first let me say i think this is GREAT work, you just continue to improve.
that background is AMAZING!
i think you should set your hubby up in that pose and take a picture to study from and that would solve or help alot of your anatomy problems, an artist friend of mine told me that live figure drawing is the best way to learn anatomy
now for the nitpicking, im just going to echo some of the statements made already
- the right leg seems too forshortened
- the tatoos dont quite follow the shape of the arm (better in your newer version)
- the necklace looks too stiff
(Edited by EzRa-D on 08-04-2004 01:14)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 08-04-2004 01:06
Many of the issues have been addressed fairly well, but let me add my 2 cents...
When I first saw the image, I was at work, and my monitor there is very dark. I couldn't see the right leg at all, and because of the placement I actually thought the leg his arms are wrapped around *was* the right leg.
That leg needs to be shifted towards the left of his body by a somewhat significant amount - it's far enough off that it looks like a center leg now that I can see the left. Leaves me wanting to see the left leg sticking out the other side 
As has been said, the foreshortening of the right leg is a bit off. Considering how far down we see the left foot, the two legs seem to be on different planes, somewhat disconnected - this adds to that feeling of the 'center leg'.
There also seems to be a bit of an issue with his right wrist. It looks like you addressed this in the latest version though, so I won't go into detail.
My only other crit is that the jawline seems way too straight and long at the bottom. I think perhaps making a bit more of an angle coming down from the ear and making the curve more a part of the bottom jaw as opposed to now where the curve is strictly on the vertical section would go a long way.
That said, let me just reiterate that this is a very impressive piece, and it shows a great deal of improvement over the last works that I recall seeing from you.
It's so nice to see that =)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 08-04-2004 01:45
Thanks a lot for the helpful comments Ezra and DL. I have the photos, Ezra but I think that's been some of my problem. I've been relying on them too much and photos can be distorted so I've decided to slightly change the angle to something more normal and draw it directly from life. This will no doubt annoy my husband no end since he'll have to sit in the same position while I get it right but he's a good model. I'll still definitely take a few snaps for additional refs but I think I'll better clear up all of the leg and torso issues with a slightly different pose or angle.
DL, I agree with you on that jawline. I had already adjusted it but have been thinking it was still too straight as well. It was my desire to make him a manly stud man with square jaw and all that. I went too far 
Thanks guys. I'll post the revised and hopefully much improved version up here this weekend.
Amerasu |