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[quote]"I don't need to sell the content or the site for that matter, as it will be relevant to the target audience" I don't understand that. Are you saying you don't need to design for the target audience because they have to use the website anyways?[/quote] Yes, that's excactly right. The audience will use it anyways :). They have no choice and get what I give them. I know it's mean, but this is a volunteer thing and I've actually got work that I [i]should[/i] be doing.I'm no web designer (obviously), so no money, no time, little skills. "Fixing it" sounds alot easier for a pro :). Is it also mean that I hate NS 4 with a [b]passion[/b]? because I do! Has it not DIED yet? I guess why I like cutting it up into sections is because people can just scroll to the relevant sections and read that. But I see that maybe it's a bad thing :(. I guess if you know the site back to front, then it's helpful, but for a new user, it is can be confusing. I'll see what I can do ... but I'm leaving the tables for now ... because I'm lazy :p hehehe BTW ... thanks heaps for the comments.
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