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Connect to Access Database with Flash MX
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Read through this macromedia tech note on hooking Director up to a database: http://www.macromedia.com/support/director/ts/documents/db_in_director.htm Skimming through it, the ADOxtra sounds like you're best bet if you want to take the director path. Although I should warn you, scripting to flash Actionscript objects using lingo can be quite tricky to get a handle on. As for the director interface, it kicks 10 colours of shit out of flash when it's being used to do a lot of programming intensive stuff. UI design in director can be a pain, but director's strength comes from it's blindingly fast bitmap performance (compared to flash at least) and the simple component like nature is much easier and infinitely quicker to work with than flash is. Director MX 2004 also supports using Javascript like syntax, but this syntax doesn't lend itself well to the director environment. It's also only JS 1, so there's no OO inheritance (for that you'll want to use lingo), and cross communication between lingo scripts and js scripts is a ripe pain to be sure. http://www.xtramania.com/Products/ADOxtra/ Although, you still haven't mentioned if this is for a standalone PC or CD-ROM distribution. If it's for a standalone PC, just run a local web server on that machine (PWS, IIS or Apache) and use PHP/ASP to hook into MS Access. I've no clue about anything VB related, so I can't offer an options or suggestions there.
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