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Mabye I didn't make myself clear there. By 'flow' I mean fluidity. You expand the browser or contract it and the size stays the same. That just seems like the site is just sitting and doesn't care about the browser. If there's was some 'flow' it would look much more neat and clean, you see you've got all this space on the side empty and that's nice but if the window became smaller that space would vanish thus making the site look a bit ugly. If you want to fix it thats very easy just replace where you've written: [code]#header { width: 700px; ...[/code] To something in percentage like 60 or 70% and the site will have 'flow'. You should really do something about the body links not the nav it's ok how it is the body links are literally invisible to the naked eye, you need to really look closely to find it!! Also increase line height that would make the current links more visible and also make the rest of the content more easily readable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Templar654's signature below... then again you already knew that! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still using IE? Please don't say yes! [url=http://browsehappy.com/]>>[/url] Why [url=http://www.opera.com/]Opera[/url]? Because it's the only one! [url=http://haiderali.thefreebizhost.com/]Online Portfolio[/url] | [url=http://haiderali.thefreebizhost.com/journal.php]Journal[/url] | [url=http://theforum.thefreebizhost.com/]Community[/url] | [url=http://paintings.thefreebizhost.com/]Paintings[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23041]Cell #23041[/url]
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