OZONE Asylum
Stupid Basic HTML
Ok...onClick and <button> problems
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[quote] Now the important thing here is not that you can manipulate Dreamweaver or copy some code I (or anyone else) posts up here. The important thing is that you understand why we (me, dreamweaver, DL, etc) put that code there in the first place. [/quote] Uh... im not trying to steal anyones stuff...I just didnt know what I was doing, and why stuff wasnt working. I figured that the reason most people put the code here is to show in HTML what is wrong and how to fix it. I never meant to plagiarize or anything like that. the main reason i use Dreamweaver and GoLive(not so much anymore...) is they are WYSIWYG with a split code/design view. I am very visual, so for me its easier to lay it out first as I want it, then edit the code...tweak it to do what I want. I know in some ways it would be easier to learn the core language first, then go back or not use them at all, but for now, and for what I want to do, it is easier. And now looking at the javascript function and the button line I see exactly what you are saying with the double code error. Thanks again (and again) for the help.(I think I should make that My sig...):rolleyes:
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