OZONE Asylum
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Redesign of my web design portfolio site
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[quote] [b]RhyssaFireheart said:[/b] You know, that font you've chosen (the dotted one) still does nothing for the site and really offers nothing. It just does not fit, and you'd be better off with a nice sans-serif one. If you are looking for slightly different, then try one like Neuropol perhaps, which IMO would look better and be far more readable. The highlight version for your rollovers is barely readable on my laptop with whatever font you're using now.However, since I know the font issues been raised before, apparently it's not something you see as an issue, so what I just typed will probably be ignored, just as the prior suggestions were. [/quote] I have taken the font suggestion into consideration before, and so far I have tested it on sereral monitors, flat-panel, CRT, laptop, and have had no problem reading it. I am using that particular font for a reason, I like that it look's like very small holes cut in the background material, and when you mouse over, they illuminate. I will definitely play around with other fonts, but I have a feeling my creative brain is fixed on this one. Still, thank you for the advice. The font aside, is there anything anyone LIKES? So far all criticism here has been constructive, yet when I've shown it to others, they can at least find a few things that they like. I'd be interested to know if any of you hard-core heads out there actually have some positive criticism. If not to point out that I'm at least somewhat on the right track, it would be nice to hear some praise. ;)
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