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Weren't your exact words "Darn shitty website"? You're calling for it, you'll have it: it's bland, bland, bland. Not bad, just tasteless: the color scheme is decent, other than that, it looks unachieved. On IE6, you got a weird hover effect on the main banner. About looking unachieved, the menus, especially, look weird, as if they were a late minute addition. Maybe the borderlessness? The code and standards compliance are decent. And I know you're not asking for a content review, but some things stand off as unprofessional. For example, the part about your GL project which says "it should work, maybe, if not, try to compile it this or that way and it could work. or not". I just hope your target audience is not a potential employer. Overall, I'd give it a 3/6, to use the local graduation: it's not terrible, but it's bad.
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