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The overall feel is very disjointed. There is no sense of cohesion to anything... The different elements of the page seem randomly placed with no regard to how they interact with each other. The colors aren't bad, but the site is *very* dark...it wouldn't hurt to lighten up a few of the elements jsut a touch. Now, the code is quite a mess. It seems like some effort was made to do things in a semantically correct manner, but then was given up on. Some tidbits - The links menu on the left: get rid of the H1's! They're not headers, they're links. They should also be coded as a list...since that's what they are. Tables? Right in the middle of this non-tabled layout you throw in tables? No need for those, yo've shown that you can design without them - get rid of them. Now, the 'newsbar' thing - *that* is where you want your H1's. Get the image out of there and use a header tag the way they're meant to be. Oh....wait - even worse: it's only a background image?? That won't even display alt-text, or be parsed for someone with a screen reader...bad bad bad. Background images are for decoration only - an image that is part of the content shoudl always be marked up as an image, and an image should not be used to display text that is part of the page whenever it can be avoided. Same goes for your logo - mark it up as an image, don't set it as a background image. And don't break the other three background images in your "panel" divs up - just make it one background image.... Same issue for the "heard on the street" box. And for the rest of them, for that matter. So to sum up - * Use H* tags appropriately * Don't use images for headers * Don't use background images to display actual content * Mark your lists up as lists... * get rid of those tables! * be sure to consider the interealtion between all the different sections of the page... I would also highly recommend that you not use absolute positioning. Get used to using floats and the like instead - you'll find that once you start working that way, things fall into place a lot easier than you might think. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://www.in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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