OZONE Asylum
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Techxp.com Please Review
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[b]fancy_mobile:[/b] As the site is ready to launch I doubt the critics we'll express will have an impact on it. They'll certainly be more profitables for your next works. The color scheme is pleasant, and the overall layout is nice. Now the things that puzzles me :[ulist]* the use of Flash for the header, navigation and portfolio. You could easily do something quite similar without Flash. * the Portfolio Flash animation is still visible in the Portfolio section. * the gap between the "Who we are" and the image * the fact that the texts in orange in the "Who we are" panel are not some links contrary to those on the right. * the date and clock in the header are not needed. We all have a clock and a calendar in the taskbar of our Operating System. And it provides no information about the company. * it misses a gray bar below the "Who we are" panel. * in the header of the Home, I think the colors of the letters in Tech Xpertise Providers should be inverted. It seems you wanted to emphasize the FXP accronym, but actually the orange is darker than white and looks quite faded in the background. * the header of the Home is different of that of the inner pages * the alignement of the main content and font size of the Contact page differs from the other pages * I don't see the point of the MicroSoft, IBM, Adobe, MacroMedia and Discreet logos. They are misplaced and nothing explains there presence.[/ulist]Last, but not least, there's no DOCTYPE and you should get rid of that table based layout. These methods are of another age and do not help you and your clients. Web standards are made to be used and have an awfull lot of advantages. I hadn't seen your first submission of this site. That's why I reviewed it now. But since, according to the wise fellow inmates, you didn't care to thank nor take into account the previous reviews, I think I'll adopt your lazy attitude for a while and won't waste my time reviewing your work anymore. [b][edit][/b] Actually, I've seen that you [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=23380]made 3 posts in 4 days[/url]. All of them were review requests, and you never cared to answer. Now, it makes no doubt for me : You're a PageRank whore. [b][/edit][/b] [url=http://www.p01.org/][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [internallink=2185]poi[/internallink] on 09-26-2004 13:59)[/small]
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