OZONE Asylum
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IndiaBeauty.com Please Review
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[quote]oh hey, DL, how could you tell it was dreamweaver?[/quote] I had a feeling it was Dreamweaver, partly because until I stopped (very recently) letting it create my code for me, that's what my pages looked like. Something about that starter script in there that clued me in. DW does some funky things to code if you let it do all the work. I just finished cleaning all mine up so I can use CSS on the site, and some of the stuff I cleaned out... oof! There were paragraphs that had the <p>, <font> and <span class> tags all applied to the same words lingering from when I would change the site template (yet another scary thing I used, but I did learn from it eventually). I'm not sure how some of my pages worked after seeing all the stuff I cleaned out of there. _____________________ [img]http://lahutton.50megs.com/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img] [url=http://lahutton.50megs.com]le coeur du feu[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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