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IndiaBeauty.com Please Review
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First off let me say one thing: [quote]People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.[/quote] You aren't going to like what a lot of us say here but you asked for it so you're getting it. The layout is not something I for one would make. It's ok but seems missplaced and just floating there with no meaning, the color is very blunt as far as I can see and you've used alot of glows; I despise glows and try my best to use as little of them as I can for they distract instead of attract attention especially on that color scheme. You might want to think about that. Now animations, I've seen this alot. People tend to use Flash in just about everthing even the simplest of animations. The hover effect you've done with the images on the right could have been easily done using ImageReady. Now if someone for some reason doesn't have flash in his system or his browser those links are useless. Remember to [b]always[/b] try to find the most efficent way out not neccessarily the most easiest way. And it's time to leave Mockers like Dreamweaver behind if you want to exceed in Web Design. Switching is not going to be very easy if you're new to HTML/XHTML/CSS etc but it's worth it and there are alot of books and articles out there to guide you. Finally don't get all hyper on what everyone says here, we're all critics here; hey it's easier to be one than be critisized! I'm saying this because you're Newly Admitted and new comers tend to get freaky sometimes ;) Cheers [i]Here lie the remains of Templar654's sig... *sniff*[/i] [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23041]Cell #23041[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/admin/4555]View File[/url]
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