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Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

From: At my house... ???? NO!
Insane since: Oct 2004

posted posted 10-28-2004 01:47

j/k ignore subject:

Hello all, I'm bean kinda new here. I've read a few threads nothing to wounderfull. and I'm currently having a problem what started my journy onto the web tonight. I'm using these 3 programs Photoshop 7, flash MX, and Dreamweaver. heh you guessed right.. I'm building a website. I know this section isn't for HTML blah blah blah. But I think my problem can be solved with Photo shop thats why I'm here. To be honest with you I'm alitle new to photoshop under a month, I've been using it alot in the month and I've done a few tuts so I know the basics. I've seen webpage templates with photoshop so thats why I'm here. My problem is I have a box, a link box to be exact and I want my links to go in there (I.E Flash buttons) the problem I'm getting is when I save the pdf as gif and import it through dreamweaver I can't put pics on top of it. I tried setting it as backround but it went to the top left corner, and started repeating =p. I've also tried dragging dropping buttons on top of it (didn't work =p).. So if I knew how to say what I was looking for in lingo I would have already found it so theres no need to flame me and tell me how I'm in the wrong place. tell me in lingo what exactly I'm looking for and how to do it thanks.

=-- []-} <--- going to eat you! I'l put one here later. and get flamed.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: France
Insane since: Jun 2002

posted posted 10-28-2004 01:59

Hi and welcome in the Asylum,

So if I understand correctly your main problem is that you don't know how to "stack" several images ( and especially 2 ) in HTML/CSS.

Your try with CSS is a good idea. Actually you can edit the style of an HTML element to set its background properties. That way it's possible to position the background image and set the type of repeat mode ( no-repeat in your current case ).

Otherwise, you could nest the second image in a DIV you'll position with CSS on top of the first image.

[edit] Oh, and actually your thread should be either in XML - XSL - XSLT - XHTML - CSS - DOM or Stupid Basic HTML [/edit]

(Edited by poi on 10-28-2004 02:01)

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

From: At my house... ???? NO!
Insane since: Oct 2004

posted posted 10-28-2004 02:39
poi said:

Otherwise, you could nest the second image in a DIV you'll position with CSS on top of the first image.

This seems to be the route I would like to take. I look into how to do it thanks. If you would like you might wanna toss a tut link for the next passer by who's in my sit, (I'm da only noob)

=-- []-} <--- going to eat you! I'l put one here later. and get flamed.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Beyond that line...
Insane since: Apr 2004

posted posted 10-28-2004 02:47

Your solution to all your web problems!

PS: Just a little info, this goes in the CSS section

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