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inhhume, band website.
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I had to do an "entertainment" site for class. I thought I'd kill 2 birds with one stone and make a page for a band some of my friends are in. The content is kinda temporary and if they opt to make it their official page I'd have to beef it up with a blog or CMS and a much more intuitive music page. The layout and graphics would stay the same though. Everything validates! but I'm having a couple minor bugs in IE and I wish I could make the footer stick to the bottom of the page on pages with very little content. Any comments critiques etc (especially on the layout and design)? Also, anyone know how to fix those minor IE glitches? Anyone here made a page for a band before and know of some niffty ways to have downloadable and/or streaming music integrated into the site? For the assignment I just needed an embed tag so thats what is up now, but I'm sure I could do something much cooler =) ::edit:: for those of you [i]without[/i] telepathy, here is [url=www.dirtystyled.com/inhhume]the link: [/url] [img]http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~co097871/schitzo88x31.gif[/img] [small](Edited by [internallink=893]Schitzoboy[/internallink] on 11-10-2004 05:24)[/small]
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