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Any Color Scheme Suggestions
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One one good method for choosing color skeems is to look to nature, Very rarely will you see miss matched colors. As for your site, I like the color skeem so far, I think it works. It realy depend on the mood going for. For me it dosen't feel happly friendly., It's coming accross more comfortable, stable, but perhaps a little bit depressing.. Moving the green towards a lime or pastel would perhap come accross more friendly. My only real consern would be how you would choose your links colors and what to use for content copy. The gradent get fairly dark over all expecially at the bottom, so you would likely need to use a lighter shade to ease readablitiy. I'm thinking yellow would be to stark. I would look towards the using the 15%-20% lighter green highlights, present in your header. Maybe with a deep red moving towards orange as your third color for links etc.. J. Stuart J. [url=http://www.jstuartj.com] [img]http://www.texturehunter.com/img/temp/Port_forward.gif[/img] [/url]
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