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[quote] [b]I X I said:[/b] pretty much, unless he's talking about the fact that there is more of a spacing between the lines in IE FF1.0, IE5.5x on Win98SE anywho, nice layout, scales well to 800x600. as far as validating, looks like you just need a doctype declaration at the top of your pages and to put in a few alt tags for your images and you'll be set to go. the CSS does indeed validate already. [edit] just to be helpful... valid doctype list if I'm not mistaken, it is possible that a missing/invalid doctype can fudge up your css [/edit] Some people say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one (John Lennon) (Edited by I X I on 11-24-2004 10:30) [/quote] Thanks for the compliments! Um, which doctype should I use? edit: Stupid question, figured it out I did! Now I have only 1 error on my page and you can view it at the following link. I ask for a simple, straight forward answer. [b]How do I fix it?[/b] http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A//lostcitytinnos.net/ ----------------------------------------------- [URL=http://www.stopie.com/][IMG]http://www.stopie.com/stopie80.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://getfirefox.com/][IMG]http://www.spreadfirefox.com/community/images/affiliates/Buttons/80x15/firefox_80x15.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://abnormis.com/][IMG]http://www.abnormis.com/images/buttons/abnormis.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.minitokyo.net/][IMG]http://digitalart.org/images/affiliate_buttons/90.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://gfxartist.com][IMG]http://www.abnormis.com/images/buttons/gfxbutton.gif[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://www.deviantart.com][IMG]http://www.abnormis.com/images/buttons/dabutton.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.depthcore.com/][IMG]http://abnormis.com/images/buttons/depthcore.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.breedart.org/][IMG]http://abnormis.com/images/buttons/breedart.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.deaddreamer.com/][IMG]http://abnormis.com/images/buttons/ddlinkbutt.gif[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.artuproar.com/][IMG]http://abnormis.com/images/buttons/aubutton.gif[/IMG][/URL] [small](Edited by [internallink=23314]Black Hat[/internallink] on 11-24-2004 11:09)[/small] [small](Edited by [internallink=23314]Black Hat[/internallink] on 11-24-2004 11:09)[/small]
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