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.NET vs. Linux (Company solution)
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I'm a part of a small company and I have a decision to make. We need to expand our capability and provide web services further than just website design and development. The president of the company (in this case my dad) proposed we start learning .NET. He did look into OSS apposed to .NET and found that .NET is more cost effective over a period of time even though it costs close to $2500 to renew it for next year. I'm not really thrilled about learning .NET and have more interest in Linux. I've touched the turf of Linux and know most of it is command line, mainly for a server. I know I could have a higher pay and essentially a better future with .NET. If I'm not interested in something, I'm likely not going to learn it very well. I'll have to learn it for the next few years. I haven't even touched .NET's turf yet. Which way should we go? (.NET or Linux) If you know of any useful articles, let me know. If you think .NET is the best solution, maybe I need some sort of motivation, motivate me to learn it. If you had experiences that will help, please share it! My current skills may effect how I learn things so just for your information: OS Skills: Windows XP Application Skills: Photoshop 7, Flash 5, Microsoft Office Language Skills: XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and a little SSH and ActionScript (Flash 5) I code my XHTML and CSS as close to standard as I can. I've played with Linux a little, not enough to know my way around it. Any help is greatly appreciated! :) [url=http://www.zavaboy.com][img]http://asylum.zavaboy.com/zavaboy.gif[/img][/url]
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