OZONE Asylum
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.NET vs. Linux (Company solution)
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I've been working with UNIX since 1983 and MircoSoft operating systems since 1984. I avoid MicroSoft when I can because any solution you create on a MicroSoft machine will only work on the MicroSoft machine. Solutions developed under UNIX can be ported more easily to other operating systems and architectures. Any solution developed on a Windows machine becomes a moving target because within three years MicroSoft wants you to replace your existing operating system with their newest whiz-bang operating system and of course that means upgrading your application software so that it can "take fullest advantage" of the newest features in the operating system. The web world tends to be divided between MircoSoft and Linux (there are a few people running servers on Macs and other OSs, but the number is so small that we can efectively ignore them for this discussion). Of the two, MicroSoft and Linux, you will find that Linux is a far more stable operating system. You will have fewer crashes and fewer security problems running a server on Linux than on any of the MicroSoft operating systems. If I were making the choice, I would pick Linux for stability, security, and inter-operability. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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