OZONE Asylum
Meteor Crater
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I took another side trip today to Meteor Crater near Winslow, AZ. It's a giant impact crater formed when a meteor about 150 ft in diameter hit the Earth. It's also where the ending scene of [i]Starman[/i] was shot. The thing is huge, I couldn't possibly get the entire thing in one shot so I took 9 and stitched them together in PS. The only tools I used were PS and lots of cloning and healing. Initially I wanted to use color but it was terribly hard to get the colors to match so I used B/W instead. [img]http://www.11oh1.net/albums/meteorcrater/meteorcratersmall.jpg[/img] If you want some perspective on just how big the thing is, check out the people on the left hand side of the image. If you ever have a chance to stop here, definitely check it out. It's five miles off of I-40 about an hour east of Flagstaff, AZ. [url=http://www.11oh1.net/gallery/meteorcrater/meteorcratermed]Big version (1000 px wide)[/url] [url=http://www.11oh1.net/gallery/meteorcrater/meteorcraterbig]Bigger version (2000 px wide)[/url] I've also got a version that's 7500 pixels wide but I don't dare try uploading that through this crappy hotel dial-up connection. I'll upload it in a few days when I get home. :::[url=http://www.11oh1.net]11oh1[/url]:::
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