Hey guys, Im not sure this goes here but I think it might. Please move it if it doesn't.
Dan, the lead developer/owner of Jaia Interactive is having some problems. Here is the quoted post from the forums @ Jaia Interactive:
Alright, I'm trying to be as standard as I can get with the board's design, but the design isn't as 'liquid' as I would like it to be. It seems that if the content of the table is larger than the screen's width it spills out of the design and runs across the screen.
Now, the only way I know of to fix this situation is to make the board a fixed width, but even then content could potentially spill out if the collective widths of the content is greater than the specified width of the design itself.
Here are some screenshots of the issue that seems only to appear using FF ( any version ). I'm at work and haven't been able to test it out on Mozilla and Opera. I DO know that it works perfectly on IE.
Board Home
Avatar Gallery
Emoticon Posting Table
These are just a few areas where this problem occurs. This also explains the 'run on' lines of code within the code tags. Does anyone have ANY idea how to fix this problem? You'd think that with the 'magic' of CSS it would be smart enough to know when and when not to expand to fit content.
If you want, you can see his actual post here: http://support.jaia-interactive.com/index.php?a=read&t=245
Now I told him I'd look into it and see what you guys suggested because Im curious as well. You can either reply here or reply directly to his post (which would take a registration on his board, no big deal). Either way, can you guys help out on this?