OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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What this sounds like to me is a separation between, essentially, high and low skill level coders. You know how so many people come to the asylum with such a humble, "The people here are amazing and I'm just a lowly newbie" attitude? It's an attitude that I don't like to see, because it indicates a feeling of inadequacy, that they think they'll never live up to the skill level that they see in some of the regulars. Of course, we all know that that's absurd, because that's how we started out too. It's important to make people realize that it's more than just a possibility that they can match the skill level of the few "gurus" we have around here. This is something I usually see more of in the Photoshop forum, but it does pop up occasionally in the JS forum. So, my concern is, a forum split like this would force people to choose between the "simple newbie forum" and the "awesome guru forum," and obviously most people - even if only through humility - will choose the former. This will perpetuate the feeling that there's an impassible gap from "newbie" to "guru," which is not the feeling that we should be conveying. [url=http://www.slimeland.com/] [img]http://www.slimeland.com/misc/ozonemetalslimesig.gif[/img] [/url]
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