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you still open for reviews? I have problems! ;) I get div id=notice in IE6, while it's not the best standard interpreting browser out there I don't think it deserves the message, if you feel it does, you should alter the message to say why. The black glass tube backgrounds for the navigation bother me, the upper portion of the links blend into the highlight, and the backgrounds imply 3 dimensions but the text is 2d. overall feel is drab on the colors/saturation, maybe you want that but the spray paint effect is not realized as well as it could be, you could use a displacement map to map it onto that wall behind it, maybe up the opcaity or alter the blending mode to get more realistic. the tagboard shouter thingie has a lot of saturated spots of color (smilies and icons) that tend to make it jump out/not fit OVerall it's just a little cold and utilitarian for my taste, boxy, desaturated graphics, plain grey background, and the xp styled scrollbar is a pet peeve of mine, not so much the window bar but overflows embedded in the page bother me for some reason A lot of that was personal preference stuff and I didn't even look at the markup but I get the impression you're learning that stuff well as you go so why bother? I dunno, you like it? What's your style? I liked [url=http://ensellitis.com/affiliate/e5_88x31.gif]this[/url] :) [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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