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Changing job :)
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Yeah P01, my website as you know it. The morning I published it, I sent a new CV wave and got an immediate positive feedback :) I am not that good at "selling myself" either, but I think, for tech freaks like us, that it depends on the kind of job: if it's pure development, sell the technician. If it is more "service oriented", you have to look more "customer oriented", open, alive, etc. In my case it was simple, logical, visually appealing and technically good: that's what my site and CV say, which apparently matched some job profiles. [simplicity, logics, a thing for visual algorithmy and cg, and a solid technical background] There still is a little "problem" as to when I am starting for real, the problem being: if the job starts on january the 1st, as planned, I'll have to abandon my current positon despite the legal delay. Which is ok by the laws of my country, but it's always better trying the polite way first. At worst, I'll be stuck here until the end of february. At best, I'll be off on the first of january with a 25% penalty on my december salary... And yes, I admit it. Tech support may be a fine job given certain conditions, but this switch is a good, good chance for me. I hope to be allowed to post the name of the company soon. Also, po1, if you're looking for jobs in Switzerland, try posting your profile on www.jobup.ch : your working license "may" be a problem... or not: some positions are in UE. And thanks to the whole of you, people, I'll get back to this later, but I obviously owe a lot to the community in terms of learning. [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com] [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/sigs/sigrotator.ini[/img] [/url]
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