I'm writing a tutorial for Guru's on Perl/CGI and before I got into the actual tutorial writing, I was wondering if I could get a review of the code.
The purpose is simple:
- Display news items stored in flat file database (sort of like a blog)
- Sort news items by date and display a paged view
- Add news items
The basic algorithm for displaying news is:
- read news items from database and store them in an associative array using the timestamp as the key and an array reference to the array holding the information
- print them out in a paged view depending on $newsitemsperpage value in config file, including navigation
The basic algorithm for modifying news is:
- check if there are any parameters passed into the script
- if there are parameters passed in, assume that this is a new item to be added
- read news items from database and store them in an associative array using the timestamp as the key and an array reference to the array holding the information
- create a new timestamp for the news item, making sure that this isn't a duplicate (if so, create a new timestamp)
- add news item to database
- if there are no paramaters passed into the script, display form to add news item
The database is a flat text file in the following format:
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---- NEWSBLOCK ----
The first line of each block is the time stamp. This is UTC. The second line is the subject and all additional lines are content. Each block is separated by "---- NEWSBLOCK ----" on the last line.
There are 3 documents:
- displaynews.pl - displays news items
- modifynews.pl - add news item (modify functionality may be added later
- config.pl - global variables and some subroutines
What I'm looking for is c+c regarding the way things are coded, other simpler/better ways of doing certain things, algorithmic improvements, etc.
Here are the pages:
These versions don't work since my host doesn't provide server side scripting, but I can post a working version if that will help.
(Edited by silence on 12-22-2004 17:34)
(Edited by silence on 12-22-2004 17:37)