OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
MS and ML Christmas gift - SmartSink. Archiv threads now!
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Cool idea, makes archiving so much easier. Only one click per thread, that's perfect. I have no idea how the 'smart' part of it is supposed to work behind the scenes and know if the thread is worth keeping or not, and how you get these ideas in the first place... might have to ask you about that and/or look at the code some day ;) What it needs, though, are some statistics at the very top to keep you going and motivated! Like - Only 3.000.000 more threads to go - 233 threads taken care of this week - 78 of those by you (that's 33%!) - ... ...just so you see some numbers changing for the better after all the work you've done reading and clicking your way through the sunken material. =) The third might involve a cookie, or could it perhaps be extracted from the admin log? Anyway - good stuff.
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