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Why are a lot of sites jusitified left?
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hey thanks! I applied some of your logic. It seems certain things render better in IE6, and other aspects better in netscape navigator. hmm Now I see why nobody goes strict LOL its time hasn't come, cause theres no consistency, maybe. Heres the page so far: link removed* It's actually best viewed in IE6, things are pretty darn close. I like how NN7 doesnt allocate any extra sizing for my modified <h1> (for SEO), where as IE^ leaves an ugly strip through my banner. Opera butchers it in it's own unique way as well! How lovely. I'm not going to even bother looking at it with Firefox - i think the Boss is a lil tired of me trying to be a trendsetter here. It seems the web ain't ready for Strict, that much has become apparent. That is, unless everyone wants to go back to school book page looking reports - or companies don't mind their sites looking like Sh*! to some peoples browsers - yea right. Optimization for search engines is crucial for our site, and Tables rule for that. Nested or not, they can be manipulated to push your main content to the top (as viewed by Lynx for example) - where as with this CSS, I don't get the same results. I wonder if it matters at all which elements you declare, first, and if that would help. Short and long of it is though, good 'ol HTML with tables does a sweeter job, hands down :) I guess its Transitional for now, with TABLES until the standards level out. Thanks for your help! Back to the Basics [small](Edited by [internallink=24629]kelownarealtor[/internallink] on 01-12-2005 23:14)[/small] [small]Edit by Skaarjj: *all links in this post were removed at the request of the author[/small] [small](Edited by [internallink=157]Skaarjj[/internallink] on 01-14-2005 02:19)[/small]
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