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Topic awaiting preservation: text not showing up help please! Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic awaiting preservation: text not showing up help please!" rel="nofollow" >Topic awaiting preservation: text not showing up help please!\

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Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted

Insane since: Jan 2005

posted posted 01-12-2005 02:57

whenever I create a new type level and type something in it doesnt show up. but when I highlight it (with my mouse, not litteraly) it comes up with a black bar where the text would be which means that there really is text there but its like it is invisible, also on the layer name is says what I had typed in. I checked to see if the font was white (on the white background) or black on the black part and with other colors but it did the same thing. I also made a new file and it still did not work. does anyone else have anything else for me to try? btw I am using adobe photoshop

tons of thanx!!

(Edited by adware on 01-12-2005 03:01)

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 01-12-2005 03:10

only thing that comes to mind is that the font you are using does not have the characters you are typing. Only time I've seen that happen.

have you tried with multiple fonts?

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Jan 2005

posted posted 01-12-2005 03:55

hm thanx!! haha I guess I just got unlucky when I picked the other fonts to try before i posted this. It is still weird though I think I have used this font in adobe before, oh well thanx again!

edit: I guess I'm just have really bad luck or something haha because I just went back and tried the font I was using again and it worked!

(Edited by adware on 01-12-2005 04:01)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: beyond the gray sky
Insane since: Apr 2004

posted posted 01-12-2005 08:48

welcome to the asylum, adware
glad to see you got your problem fixed

You know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today, so stay with me and I'll have it made (Shannon Hoon)

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Melbourne, Australia
Insane since: Jan 2001

posted posted 01-12-2005 09:22

Yeah, I used to have a problem with PS 5.5 when I had around 500 fonts installed. It would crash when loading the fonts.

The 2 fixes I got from Adobe were to reinstall all my fonts and to replace the cooltype.dll file.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Swansea, Wales, UK
Insane since: Aug 2001

posted posted 01-12-2005 09:57

I am having the same problem at present in Photoshop CS, but if i delete it and try again, it works ok, small bug, very bizarre but no a biggie.

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Jan 2005

posted posted 01-15-2005 18:20

glad to hear other people are having this problem too

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Jan 2005

posted posted 01-15-2005 18:20

glad to hear it's not just my photoshop having this problem

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