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First off all the V2 version breaks on a very decent and well known modern browser (firefox 1.0) this is bad realy bad. I put my magic-digital-marker on some break points. This can been seen in this image: [url]http://www.xs4all.nl/~rinswind/screenshot.gif[/url] Second if you used semanticly correct code with a decent sylesheet you could use al three designs and let the user switch them at will. Third dump the table. They are obsolete old fashioned hacks used when nothing else was capable. Maybe if i have some time i will put together the twin brother whitout tables. Just to make my point. Now lets talk about the code -The <html> tag is missing its doctype. This however is neede since modern (IE6, Mozzila, Firefox, Opera,Camino, Safari) use this doctype to switch into the best mode for viewing the page as the designer has intended. -The headers are just normal text styled as header. Older browsers and people with personal or switched off style sheets will not rcognize this as header. The html language has some very good tags for this <h1> till <h6> which can be styled in your style sheet very easily. And can be recognized as headers even when no or personal style sheets are used. -Why do you use constructions like this: [b]<td bgcolor="#295487"><div align="center" class="menulinks"> <div align="left">PORTFOLIO</div> </div></td>[/b] You are setting the backgound color fom the table-cell (this is an aproach you could use with an big but to it) Inside this table-cell you put an <div> which you align in the center from table-cell (this made me wonder..) and which is classified as "menulinks" The weirdest thing happens in the inside div which is positioned to the left in the outer div. Since both the table-cell and the outer div are empty the inner div will take all the space inside the outer div and the table-cell. Thus all the dubious placing and hokus-pokes whit the three elemenst is completly obsolete. The inner div will completly fiil both the outside div and the table-cell. In my opinon this makes both the outer div and the table cell useless. The inner div it self could hold all the info from the table-cell and the outer div. Even the inner div itself could be removed since ALL html-elements could be styled. Just an styled link with place and background would do the trick. Or you could use a list with links and style the whole list as a menu. In your stylesheet i saw another thing: All you text classes use :[b]"font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" [/b] Just put this in the body part from the stylesheet. This makes it possible to switch the fontype with just one line. Remember the C from CSS stands for cascading which means all html elements inside other elements inherit non specified styles from the outer element. Everything inside the body element is inherinting from the body element. For more info on CSS see our [4802] Good luck ------------------------------ Support [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/]Justice for Pat Richard[/url]
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