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Actually i don't know the FF market share. I could give you some statistics about that: [url]http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp[/url] --> The most understandable http://www.webreference.com/stats/browser.html http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/bstats/latest.html But these stats change every hour er even every second you could not conclude anything from these stats. Most importantly what you could conclude is that there are lots off different browsers outthere. And they all should be able to visit your page an get to the content. There is basicly two ways to achieve this: 1) The bad way: Ignore all those different browsers and design for a specific on. 2) The better way: Stick to the standards as close as posible and hope for the best. Most modern browsers should be able to show an standard compliant website, however some do have some serious quirks and glitches. For info in web standards take a look here: [url]www.w3c.org[/url] ---> This organisation makes the standards [url]www.w3schools.com[/url] ---> This organisation explains them [url]www.alistapart.com[/url] ---> These people design with them and give some cool examples. For info on browser Quircks see: http://www.quirksmode.org/ Don't design around the quirks, but when you notice some unwanted behaviour in your site check if it could be a quirck and what to do with it. ------------------------------ Support [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/]Justice for Pat Richard[/url]
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