OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
what questions to ask??
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good info there WarMage. [quote]The client never knows what they want.[/quote] This statment is SO true for this guy. Bummer that it is a friend of mine. Getting info from him is like pulling teeth. I'll keep at it. Make a contract and go over it with him. Then start on more mock ups. I've done 2 so far but I will make more. WS: as far as the logo goes, I have that done. the font that i am to use comes from the PW that the game is based on, Nordock I think it's called. I still have not gotten any content so I am still not sure what pages are even going to be included. As far as the forums go, I have to do them. Probably going to use phpBB. Thanks again for the info. Later, C:\ [URL=http://browsehappy.com][img]http://browsehappy.com/buttons/bh_80x15.gif[/img][/URL]
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