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The menu looks great, but it doesnt suit the rest. I got some quick negatives right here: The drop shadow and colour of the title makes it look dull, boring and cheap. The background looks like pinstripe or cordroy pants and the pastel green doesnt suit the dark navy. The lines that go up and across hap hazardly are too bright a blue and dont make sense to me as being a good layout. None of the layout suits the nice colourful graphics about the place like in the menu and "retorna" and "segue". What I would suggest: Replace the bright blue border with an actual rectangle border using the same colour grey as you have around your menu. Pick a nicer blue for the logo, possibly the same as the menu bg with a border, definatly no drop shadow, it doesnt suit and wont sit on your background properly. For the background, I'd leave it as a plain colour or lower the contrast, or if you really want the liney texture, make it crosses. But of course all this only my opinion , I could be way off. But one thing I would do is pick a few colours and stick with them, you've got at least 4 blues, 3 greens two greys and some orange, try reduce this to 2blues and one green, excluding the content. stay away from dull pastel colours where you can. Not trying to be mean or rude its just I saw all this stuff I didnt like as soon as I saw the site, which is odd for me. It looks like it was designed by three or so people who werent allowed to see each other's work. The content on its own is nicely laid out as is the menu, they just dont fit together. Colourwise mostly.
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