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Well, here's a slightly modified new version of it: http://www.viol.com/st510_v2/index.htm I made some modifications based only on DmS opinion because this was the one I had read. I will read carefully WarMage's and Hugh's opinions and try to see what I can follow. To Hugh, this new version brings one more dull pastel colour... But, as I said, I will try to rethink colours. Now, the code is W3C compliant. This is a tough thing to do. Yet, there are some differences in the way the browsers I test with render the page. The two links at the bottom are not working. WarMage, you are right, the menu is absolute positioned but I don't know how to draw the crossing lines that make the core of the layout without using a table. Working with DIVs is a pain. I spent the whole free time of today just to make the yellow stuff work with that lines that cross, using DIVs. And let me reinforce: the menu I think it's great but I just took it from the maker's site (it's free for personal use as long as there is a link back to the maker's site, link that I have not provided yet). So, there is not one code of line there that is mine (actually, I managed to change the code to make it scroll a little below the top of the window). Anyways, thanks to all and new opinions are always welcome, no matter if it's to say good or bad things. EDIT: the nice icons inside the menu will most probably all be removed and replaced with something more related to the subject. By now, they are there only to remember me that there can be icons there. [small](Edited by [internallink=2093]viol[/internallink] on 01-28-2005 00:47)[/small]
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