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You would need 4 images for the site's main layout. 1. The top image which would be a transparent gif/png which starts at the top line of the content. 2. The body image which would be a 1px high cross section of you body content and the blue strip. 3. The footer section from the line below the checkmarn down. http://flrba.com/index.php http://flrba.com/s.css The above link is the main code you are looking for. You would need to change a bit of the CSS. You might also have to tweek the menu code but I am not sure on that. You can do your whole site with 4 divs, being the header, the body, the menu and the footer. The rest of it is in the CSS. The CSS is a little bit old, if I still owned the site I would make some improvements to the code. I am sure if you spend a bit of time with it you could optimise it a good deal. Hope this helps, if you have any questions ask away. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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