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Ok I though I finally finished my web project: www.nationaldodgeball.com But I ran into slight problem. I just happend to open the site on my boss's mac laptop, running AOL's under OS9, version 5, which I think is Netscape 5. Only display much of my content that was using basic CSS, is screwed up. Now I expected some issuse with older browsers but, it appears to shift oddly. Now the site appears fine Firefox, IE 5+ mac / pc display just fine, haven't tried opera, but I will download it now. Is this a Simply a Mac Netscape 5 /CSS issue, What is the current client for AOL users on Mac and PC, and should I worry. I guess my stats will tell the tale, our old site did get much mac traffic so if that's the case I am not too worried. If any of you happen to have, AOL client under 0SX, PC, and a spare moment could you give it a try. I also realy need to know if it works under Safari, but I can run to the apple store to check it there. I'm not the designer, so I have little to do with that, but any feedback would apprecatied. I should say, shame on me, I did use a few tables for the bulk layout and some CMS added item. I know, bad web developer, bad.... Yes I am weak. J. Stuart J. [url=http://www.jstuartj.com] [img]http://www.texturehunter.com/img/temp/Port_forward.gif[/img] [/url]
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