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The way to fix the browser degradation issue is to have 2 different style sheets, a basic CSS1 sheet that contains only the basic basic formatting, and this is the one you <link> the other one you import with the style declairation <style>@import "";</style> Older browsers will used the linked sheet, while newer browsers will use the link and imported sheets. I don't have much time to look into your code, but it seems really messy. In the first line code block you have a <Meta as opposed to <meta. You have tons and tons of divs with separate ID's and then have an a link, it seems a bit overkill. Missing the separation of content from style? I would call it IDitus as opposed to classitus. I am sure you can clean your code up. You also throw a ton of tables in there everywhere. Your code just isn't what I would expect. I wouldn't expect the code to look like that because the design is so nice, they normally go hand in hand. Good code, good design. You might want to spend some time cleaning up the edges of the dodgeball, but other than that it looks like a solid design. Just work on your code. The design is solid but structurally simple, and you code should reflect this simplicity of your content structure, and place your graphical complexity into the style sheets. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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