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80four.co.uk : Opinions Would be great
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[quote]Do you mind if use that one?[/quote]No problem as long as credits are given, and ultimately a link to my site ;) [quote]Yeah the navigation is simple but it has improved the number of page impressions per visitor, so I think i'll keep it how it is for now.[/quote]At the risk of repeating myself, with CSS you could zap the navigation on the printer media, and only keep the bread comb navigation. If you use an Image Replacement technique for the logo, you could even provide a pretty logo for the screen media and a printer friendly version for the printer media ... and a handheld friendly version .... and of course you could get rid of the [i]print.php[/i] script. I swear, all this require little time to learn. As the layout of your site is not complex, and most of the markup of your content doesn't seem too dirty, you should be able to rework it in full XHTML+CSS in a week end. For the wave image, you could make a huge one and simply put it in the background of the header or logo. And Bam! For testing purpose I've extended the image to 1600x91 ( by pasting some parts of the slope on the right ), reduced it to 16 colors and the file is 400bytes smaller than the current image. One last note : the textarea of the "Send a page to a Friend" form is too small. The text by default is already too big for it, therefore it's painfull to add some text. [url=http://www.p01.org/][sigrotate][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love_small.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_charly.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_dk.gif[/img][/sigrotate][/url] [small](Edited by [internallink=2185]poi[/internallink] on 02-20-2005 12:41)[/small]
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